For the Anxious Soul at Night

I remember seasons of sleepless nights. Some of these were due to pregnancy or late night feedings, but others were because my mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts, worries, or fears.

If I was honest with myself, it was in those seasons that I believed the circumstances in my life were bigger than God’s sovereign hand over my circumstances. I may not have admitted that because intellectually, I knew God was all-powerful, all-knowing, and able to do all-things, but my sleepless nights showed the opposite to be true in my heart.


Psalm 3 is known to be a psalm of lament. It gives us a glimpse into David’s heart and mind as he fled from his son Absalom who tried to kill him. He cried out to God as his life was threatened. Those who were after him told lies like, “God will never rescue you!” If there was a reason to let worry and fear take over the mind and heart, David had it.

But David did not let his physical circumstances get the best of him. His reality was rooted in something far greater than what he could see with his eyes. He prayed to God what he knew to be true.

But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” - Psalm 3:3 (ESV)

David knew that his weapons of protection or even the caves he hid in were not his true safety. He recognized that no amount of effort on his part would save him; he was powerless, but served the all-powerful God.

This understanding of God’s love, power, protection, sovereignty, and care allowed him to say,

I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me.” - Psalm 3:5 (ESV)

In the midst of extreme hardship and suffering, David was able to sleep. It was his faith (trust) in the truths of God that led him rest. He knew at the end of the day, it was the Lord who sustains his life and circumstances. It is the Lord who is with Him. If the Lord is with Him, what shall he fear?


How about you? What might the fallen and broken world be throwing at you today? It is easy for us to respond to life’s circumstances in fear, worry, and anxiety. Because the reality is, without knowing Jesus, the world can be a fearful, worrisome, and an anxious place to be. However, Jesus calls His followers to a different kind of life. A life that is not rooted in the flesh (death and sin), but rooted in the Spirit of God.

Do you believe that God is in full control of all things? (Proverbs 19:21)

Do you believe that God loves you? (Romans 5:8)

Do you believe that God cares about the details of your life? (Luke 12:7)

Do you believe that God is more powerful than anything of all existence? (Jeremiah 32:17)

Do you believe that He will somehow and in someway use every single event for your good and His glory? (Romans 8:28-29)

It might be easy to say these statements are true, but the real avenue of exposing our belief is how we live and respond to circumstances.

If the statements above are true, then this gives you assurance that you’re able to rest. You can sleep because the God of the universe is intimately involved in your day and circumstances. Nothing happens without His providence. He is unchanging, trustworthy, and true.


The best way I have found to believe these truths enough that they make real change in my heart is through prayer, meditation of God’s word, and community.

Today I want to encourage you to bring your hurts, habits, fears, and worries to God through prayer. Bring them out of the darkness that might be lurking around in your mind, and expose them to the Light. “…God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” 1 John 1:5 (ESV). David shows us an example of being honest before the Lord with sadness and fears.

Second, meditate on the words of God throughout the day. Every word in the Bible is breathed by God and profitable for teaching and correction (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Pick a verse today from Psalm 3 or wherever you might be in scripture and chew on it all throughout the day (or week). Let His truth sink into your mind and heart. Memorize it, talk about it with a friend. Let the word of God renew your mind and transform your heart. What we consume is ultimately who we become. I want to be a person of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I’m sure you do as well. The avenue to such a life is through filling one’s life with the things of God.

Lastly, open up your life to a trusted, believing friend. The body of Christ is vital to our personal walk with the Lord. We were not made to be alone, but rather thrive within fellowship. It is often with other believers that we are reminded of the Light, the truth of who Jesus is and what His word says.

The anxious heart might not disappear overnight because the Christian life is one of redemption and transformation, which usually takes time and practice. However, little by little as you cling closer to Jesus, you will begin to see that life circumstances and problems are much smaller in comparison to the greatness of our God. God had made all things beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

“Salvation belongs to the Lord; your blessing be on your people! Selah” - Psalm 3:8


A Praying Life